1. Introduction to WSIS+20
Two decades ago, WSIS set the framework for global digital cooperation during the two phases of the Summit – in Geneva in 2003 and Tunis in 2005 – with a vision to build people-centric, inclusive, and development-oriented information and knowledge societies. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, WSIS continues to hold unique potential to propel transformative action to the benefit of all.
Ahead of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)’s twenty-year review of WSIS, the WSIS+20 Forum HighLevel Event will serve as a platform for multistakeholder exchanges and a catalyst for action, taking stock of achievements, key trends, and challenges since the 2003 Geneva Plan of Action. It will also be a unique occasion for the international community to assess opportunities for global digital cooperation and join forces towards a forward-looking and reinvigorated shared vision, informing the UN Summit of the Future.
The WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event 2024 is scheduled to be held from 27 to 31 May 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland.
2. Co-Host
ITU and Swiss Confederation
3. Co-organizers
4. Collaborative Engagement Acotrs
FAO, ILO, ITC, UNDESA, UNEP, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNITAR, UNODC, UPU, UN Women, UN Tech Bank for LDCs, UNU, WFP, WHO, WIPO, WMO, and UN Regional Commissions.
5. About WSIS+20 Review Action Lines Milestones, Challenges and Emerging Trends beyond 2025
The WSIS Action Lines serve as a key framework for advancing progress towards the achievement of SDGs. The WSIS Action Lines cover eleven areas of focus with technology serving as a key enabler for sustainable development. The WSIS-SDG Matrix, developed by the UN Action Line Facilitators, clearly shows the linkage between each Action Line and the 17 SDGs and provides rationale for each.
(WSIS Action Lines:
https://www.itu.int/net/wsis/stocktaking/help-action-lines.html )
6. Partnership
United Arab Emirates

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Republic of Rwanda
United Kingdom
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Internet Society (ISOC)
Wallonia-Brussels in Geneva, Permanent Mission of Belgium to the UN
Global Coalition On Aging
International Federation for Information Processing