Yunfei Xu


Yunfei Xu is currently an undergraduate student double majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science at Davidson College in the US. She has been involved in numerous activities and projects with Green Light-Year. In 2018, she participated in the “Retracing the Path of Qian Xuesen” technology and environmental protection summer camp; in 2019, she joined the Anji, Zhejiang Ecological Internship Project (CEAP); in 2019, she attended the UN Youth Climate Summit in New York; in 2021, she was involved in the research project and book writing for the GLY Youth Research Society’s Science-Based Climate Change Assessment Targets (SBT); and in 2023, she participated in the UN SDG Digital Summit and shared her post-conference insights on ESG Wire. Beyond her activities with Green Light-Year, she served as a guest speaker at the “Meeting at Midnight” Suzhou New Year’s Eve Speech in 2019, where she shared her reflections on the “Retracing the Path of Qian Xuesen” summer camp. She has conducted multiple data science research projects in areas such as the gender structure of the computer industry, microbiome communities, and changes in food safety before and after the pandemic, resulting in published papers. She worked as a developer for the reinforcement learning-based intelligent stock selection app “Intelligent Stock” and conducted research on mixed criticality computer systems and deep learning in nuclear physics while at school. She served as the logistics leader for the Davidson College hackathon and holds two engineering technology patents.